Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

1) Done
2) Done
3) Done

4) This year, because of this class, I have had the opportunity to take numerous pictures that have helped altered my view of photography. I have always thought that photography is easy and doesn't take much work to do. But I have found out how much diligence and skill it takes to take a good photo. The photo that I have taken this year that has changed my view of photography is one I took for the Irving Penn project my group did earlier in the year.  This picture truly allowed me to see the difficulties in capturing the picture that I was so intent on taking. The effort that it took to finally take this picture was definitely worth it and made the reward so much better because of how hard I worked to achieve it. This is definitely the picture that made me gain a new found respect for photographers after also seeing all of the amazing and creative pictures Irving Penn took as well.

5) Shape is a closed line that can be geometric, like squares or circles or free form and natural. They are also flat and can express length and width. In contrast, forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Examples of forms are spheres, cylinders, pyramids, etc.

6) Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over a work of art. It is a very simple concept in photography. In contrast, repetition works with pattern to give life to the work of art. The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art.

7) Movement is the path a viewer's eyes take through the work of art, often to focal areas. Such movement can be directed along lines,edges, shape, and color within the work of art.  In this picture, I used the base of the purple flowers as focal points so that the viewers' eyes travel from one to the other until they reach the end. The purple stands out an commands attention as the green is just used as a background. The eyes will travel through the picture using the purple focal points to create movement.

8)Of the last three projects that we have done so far, I believe that my best work occurred in my presentation project. I think that my best pictures of those five is the one of the rock in the middle with ripples of water in front of it as well as the next one where the trees are creating a frame around the creek.I think that this is my best work because I captured different parts of the creek that people don't normally venture into. I brought out the little known beauty of the creek that most of the public doesn't see because they don't take the time to go down and sit next to the water or just observe the life in the creek. This project changed me in that I got the chance to explore the life in the creek, with the peaceful atmosphere that still creates a new adventure for me as I explore places that were previously unknown to me. I learned to appreciate everything around me and the nature that is hidden in places less frequented by the public. I also learned to always approached and look at things from a different perspective so that I can capture the best one. It is amazing how beautiful natural life is and there is a satisfaction when I capture even a fraction of that natural beauty.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Final Project: Reflections

Reflection off of a pair of sunglasses: during first period
Monday morning, cloudy weather, not much sunlight
 reflection of  my dad's eye having him face the sun off of my compact
mirror:sunny weather early afternoon
reflection off of riddhima's eye of the mural behind our classroom: taken
during first period, sunny weather 

Reflection off of the car behind our classroom: taken during first period, sunny weather

Reflection of me taking a picture off of a car behind our classroom: during
first period, cloud, dull weather