Monday, January 5, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

I thought that this project was really fun and allowed me to experiment with a different style of photography. However, i don't think it accurately represents my work as a student because I was mostly attempting to imitate our photographer, Irving Penn's own style. This slightly restricted the addition of my own element into the pictures and I tried too hard to imitate them. I did enjoy the project, though, as it helped me look at my environment in a unique way. In addition, I would have also liked to take more pictures off school campus, which I did for some of the pictures. I came into the class thinking that photography was easy and not worth paying too much attention to. But I soon realized that it is harder than it looks and requires a lot of concentration and skill. 
The Master's photographer's project helped me realize how difficult it is to just imitate someone's pictures, let alone coming up with the ideas. I admire photographers more now and have learned some valuable lessons to help me become better. Teamwork is really important in photography. Only if the subject and photographer work as a team, can the photos turn out well. It is essential in order to create good pictures. Without proper teamwork, it is hard to come up with ideas and actually take the pictures as well. It also helps when we are in a team because then we can critique each other and help each other create better pictures. However, some disadvantages include distractions, and conflicting ideas, which can result in terrible pictures. I think that if I had to do the project again, I would work more closely with my group and try to incorporate more of my style into the pictures. 

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