Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Period 1-Semester Final

Final Exam, Digital Photo
January 21, 2015
Periods 1 and 2

1. My favorite photograph from this Lens slideshow is number nine, the picture of the red deer.I love pictures of silhouettes because they create a calming mood. The mist around the deer also makes it look much more majestic than if it had been a picture of the deer in normal light. From this picture I feel that I can actually experience the cool water of the mist just through the photographer's eyes.

2. I believe the best picture is picture number two of the woman and the child. It captures the human emotion flawlessly. i can clearly see the despair in the child and the worry in the woman's face. Just through the picture, we can create a story or a reason about what is happening at that time. It is also probably the most difficult picture to capture because the photographer had to pick the correct time to capture this specific emotion to truly show his audience the emotions of the people going through those and similar experiences. The photographer captured the range of emotions on the woman's face, from worry, to stress, to despair all at once which takes a lot of skill as well.

3. I believe that my best work this semester occurred during the  Master Photographers Assignment. It helped to have a picture that I could keep as a base and that I could work off of. I believe that this is my best work because I was able to incorporate our photographer, Irving Penn's elements and pictures into my own photographs that resemble his. The project helped me grow as a photographer because it made me look at everyday things such as matchboxes from a unique perspective. I especially love the picture of the woman's eye in the compact mirror which I attempted to recreate in my own project. It is my favorite picture of the five I chose simply because it is taken with such a unique perspective. If I had more time, I would try to incorporate more of my elements into the photographs so that they don't look too similar to the original ones. 

4. My three rules of composition are viewpoint, framing, and simplification.

5. This is my third composition rule photo. 
I used simplification and viewpoint by blurring out the background
 so the attention is on the flower and also taking the picture
 from the bottom as opposed to the front.

6. Your first rule is the rule of thirds. 

7.  Teamwork is really important in photography. 

  • easier to come up with picture ideas
  • good, honest critiquing
  • more efficient in finishing projects
  • make project more enjoyable so that it is not a chore thus creating better photographs
  • makes it easier to talk with others about your ideas and what you think is best

8. Working in teams can also be a digression.

  • distractions
  • conflicting ideas
  • taking the criticism negatively
  • no cooperation between members
  • if tasks aren't spread out equally it can cause issues

9. One of my favorite projects produced by someone else in the class is Aileen Hsu's Master Photography Assignment, especially the picture with the umbrella. I really loved the way she added her own twist to Penn's picture of the girl with the umbrella. Aileen's picture was very innovative yet still had roots in Irving Penn's work.

10. Our photographer was Irving Penn, a grand master of American fashion photography. Using his "less is more" concept, he defined a visual style to such varied objects from designer dresses to cigarette butts. In 1943, when Penn started working for Vogue, the fashion magazine, he became one of the first commercial photographers to cross the chasm that separated art and commercial photography, which has got to be one of his most significant contributions to the photography field.

11. Dorothea Lange's best-known picture is called the "Migrant Mother". It was taken in Nipomo, California in the year 1936. After taking a job in the Resettlement Administration, Lange took this picture among others.

12. The Life magazine was very first published on January 4, 1883 as a humor and general interest magazine which stopped in 1972. 
13. Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935. 

14. Robert Capa was one of the founding members of Magnum Photos, the first cooperative agency for freelance photographers, which was founded in 1947. 

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